As we all get used to writing 2018, this is not the only change we adapt to. A new year is about new resolutions, adventures, basically a fresh start to aim towards your life goals.  As for us, this time last year we got you Top 6 interior design trends for 2017. Literally our first ever post. Going ahead with it and making it into a tradition, we have Top Interior Design Trends for 2018, in India.

Top Interior Design Trends for

Pic courtesy: Pinterest

It was on our list last year and it still remains there. With graphic posters of tropical leaves to beautiful pattern adding plants.  They are not very expensive and come in all shapes and sizes. But this year, they are everywhere. We have them on our cushions, posters, wallpapers and pottery.

Top Interior Design Trends for

Pic courtesy: Clayman

We as Indians have had a great craftsmanship when it comes to pottery for generations. But mostly it has been about the traditional pieces. Things are changing now, as more new and upcoming artists are making contemporary pieces for a more young and contemporary crowd. There has been a spike in pictures of rooms with interesting pottery pieces from around the world online, making this trend for 2018.

Top Interior Design Trends for

Pic courtesy: Pinterest

The colour of Pantone for the year 2018, Ultra violet. Now it is not a very quick colour to be adapted to, but has a great value behind it. According to Pantone, “Ultra violet suggests the mysteries of the cosmos, the intrigue of what lies ahead, and the discoveries beyond where we are now. The vast and limitless night sky is symbolic of what is possible and continues to inspire the desire to pursue a world beyond our own.” Let’s just hope we see more of this in the coming days.

Top Interior Design Trends for

Pic courtesy: Huffingtonpost

This is more of an European inspired trend than the American. As this year the Americans have chosen more of beige and other pale colours while Milan had a lot of bright colours to show. Looking at our Indian culture and colour preferences, we believe it’s a yes to the Italiani.

Too shy to try on colours? Read our post on Healthy living guide to colour therapy for homes.

Top Interior Design Trends for

Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Now size does matter here, as world over big size prints are trending. Geometric or tribal prints in black and white are definitely the trend too. There have been enough pictures of big tropical leaves on upholstery, wall papers and posters. So enough of that minimalistic plane jane cushion in your living room. It’s time to aspire big.


Pic courtesy: Pinterest

More and more people are going for them as leaves with different colours and patterns are great to keep the eyes busy. They come cheap and are great for the environment too. You might have enough outside, it’s time to get some interesting ones indoors. From small terrariums to big tropical leaves. Get one that matches your weather and lifestyle.

Looking for some help with the plant selection? Read our post on 6 trending indoor plants for your home.

Top Interior Design Trends for

Pic courtesy: Bharat Flooring

This is a big trend coming up internationally as well. As more and more people are going for exotic designs on their flooring or interesting patterns on their ceilings. It may not be a colourful cement or on ceramic design, it can be a pattern in wood too. Just keep it interesting. However, something that still is bothersome is the wooden flooring lookalike tiles. Today when there is a huge range of wooden flooring available in the market, it just does not makes sense for the imitation. Specially when after a while the grooves get black with dirt and it shows.

Top Interior Design Trends for
Pic courtesy: Pinterest

We all know tribal prints have been around for quite some time now. From upholstery to clothing, however, it remains strong. Infact both geometric and tribal patterns in black and white are very much in the trend. We have enough of them from the beautiful state of the north east. So it would be the right time to perhaps go to an emporium and get one. Or get an interesting geometric one online.

A good home is a reflection of the personality of it’s owner which many a times might not sync in with the trends. But a trend or two being incorporated in your home decor surely won’t do any harm. So get trendy for this year or let us know if you may think otherwise. Follow us on our Facebook page and Instagram to see more on these trends. Namaste!

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