History of furniture in India
If you think about oldest piece of furniture that you may have ever seen in an Indian home (and I mean ancient), chances are it has to be the humble…
If you think about oldest piece of furniture that you may have ever seen in an Indian home (and I mean ancient), chances are it has to be the humble…
There were times when buying a chair was not as easy as click & pay. People used to invest time in choosing the wood, the design and then the polish.…
In a not so distant past, an Indian home was never too full of wooden products. From solid teak doors to sofa and chairs. Little artefacts and even wooden handle…
As Delhi’s bibliomaniacs wind up taking selfies and rubbing shoulders with their favourite authors this weekend. Times Lit Fest Delhi gave us the perfect background to put up a post on…
This month we introduce to you an eccentrically noteworthy brand from southern India. A brand that hopes to change the way you look at your living space. We at Dextra have…
Thinking portable, foldable, collapsible furniture which can be stored away easily? Welcome to the world of handcrafted campaign furniture offered by the house of J & R Guram which brings…