Recently a fashion designer friend from a multinational retail brand told me that there is a term called Delhi Summers. A theme of sorts like peach blossom spring or New England Autumn Fall. Being from this city I do understand that summers are surely the worst time to be here but it being so bad for it to be called a theme is quite another thing. So while we all try to keep our cool this summer season, we get you neutral sorbet inspired neutral shades for your home this summer.

Pistachio green

Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Plush Peach 

Pic courtesy: Pinterest


Looking to get more tips for the summer to keep your cool, then read our easy breezy 15 DIY tips to get your home summer ready.

Minty green

Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Blizzard Blue

Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Strawberry  pink

Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Wether you love it or hate it, looking at the international market, dusky pink is here to stay. If you still looking for more then read our post on the Interior Design trend ; The flamingo fever

Limoncello yellow

Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Summer projects are a few of the best ones as you get good enough sun to dry things up and also you have time on you before you decide on a particular piece. Use this time and change that one room into a dreamy cool shade. Even if it means your balcony wall or just a side table in a sorbet colour of your choice to that that spunk. Just try playing with the colours and you will be surprised how much it will change the look of your space. Do follow us on Instagram or write to us on Facebook with any of your summer anecdotes. We will love to share it with others. Time to get a gelato now. Laters!



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