It was just the onset of the short-lived spring season of Delhi, in February, when Deepankshi & Reena took up a place in Delhi’s designer village of Lado Sarai, already becoming a hub for quite a few prominent indie fashion brands. Theirs was a vision to set up their eponymous brand’s flagship store which would be the perfect setting to showcase their designs, their brief was to recreate a shabby chic look for their brand outlet in Delhi. The process of getting a space to suit the ethos of a brand while being a necessary backdrop complimenting that which is on display is not just a creative process but also one of optimising the functional aspects. So the journey, in this case, was of turning an industrial, warehouse-like space into a store which was geared for retail and also combined a workspace. The brief given to the Delhi based interior designer, from Design Extraordinaire, emphasised on a feminine aesthetic without being camp. As the brand’s apparel collection caters to an urban woman in touch with her feminine side, the boutique had to turn out to be the most ambient environment to house it.
With the above being the core idea, the designer’s attempts also veered towards creating an interiors scheme at once defined and distinct. So, he zeroed in on a French-inspired shabby chic look and feel for the designers’ boutique. The aim was to have the space be dreamy and pretty and yet have some part of it left raw. With the store being not too expansive, the illusion of a wide space also had to be created and the designer put the layout down as a contiguous one for easy movement. Also came in the idea of keeping it clean and white with statement décor in sections and ambient lighting highlighting the collection to be displayed like artwork. Further on, he brought in flowers on trellis, chevron pattern flooring, quirky vanity room, high ceiling with arches and a lot of bespoke elements to add that special touch. From the chandeliers, to the hand sewn upholstery on the cupboard and chairs to the barn door in the office space, much customisation and character was also infused. And bringing all this together into a cohesive space design was realised with lots of care and love, ready just in time for the collection to come alive in it.
The raw-finish latticed wall with pretty flower trellises running through it makes for a stunning backdrop for showcasing the designs on the mannequin
Keeping the décor scheme pared down helps focus attention to the clothes on the racks and the pretty sofa is a functional décor piece perking up the clean, light-filled store
White shabby chic furniture, bespoke lamp make for an open scheme working area inside the store which is airy and illuminated through the windows with Venetian style slits and jaali-work panels.
Adding pretty to the place is this pair of customised high backed chairs in floral upholstery propped against the latticed columns with the green foliage peeking through.
The bespoke hand crafted furniture is all very nouveau art deco and makes for a statement décor piece, rose patterns sewed on natural linen fabric to align with the theme look stunning and yet not overwhelming.
A wall mural designed by an artist commissioned by the interior designer for the client stands out in the internee area, as it adds that intrinsic detail to a usually ignored area and makes it that much more interesting.
To know more about the interior designer and their projects you can contact them on