Trend forecasters and researchers have finally chosen made neo mint, trending colour of the year 2020. It may not be a Pantone choice but surely is easy to stop on ramps and decor alike. Many big brands have already taken our their cosmetic collection around it. So it was inevitable for me to not share this with you trendy people. Although I am kind an old school nerd and prefer things that are timeless but a little bit of fun did not kill nobody. So get ready to soak in this beautiful tranquil tint that looks good with our Indian aesthetic sense as much as abroad. Below are few colour inspirations that might get you in the mood of add it someone in your homes too.
From architecture, to furniture upholstery, retail spaces and clay. Neo mint is taking over the market so it is impossible you won’t find it in your wardrobe or home sometime soon. If this mint sorbet tint inspires you then do read our previous story on SORBET INSPIRED NEUTRAL SHADES FOR YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER
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Pic courtesy: Pinterest
Pic courtesy: Pinterest
Pic courtesy: Pinterest
Pic courtesy: Pinterest
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