Not so long time ago, a friend was leaving the country and shifting to Europe. On a regular day a single person living in any city, away from his hometown, would just sell it all online or to their friends and get done with it. However when his mom got to know about the furniture, she was more than ready to come down and take it all back home. Not that they didn’t have a wardrobe or a coffee table back home already. Digging deep we discovered just like most of us Indians, its a case of being a hoarder. This is about having a dialogue with your inner hoarder.
Being an interior designer many clients want extra storage space in their house. Even though they do admit that there are storages that have not been opened in ages. The only time they have accessed is around Diwali. The good news is most of the millennials are easy in throwing out things that they think won’t be in much use. Things like those heavy and thick blankets or extra mattresses for the ‘just in case Ritu bua and her family from Hyderabad drops by for a few days and wont go for a week’ type situations. Or big utensils that perhaps last were used when you mother got married and now is stored in one corner to be taken out on your marriage, as if your caterer would come to you asking for it. The truth is as more and more people are shifting into a flat in the city and our lifestyle doesn’t allows us much space to hoard anyway. So how does one know what to keep and what to throw?
Pic courtesy: bangkokcondofinder
The first rule that comes up is, keep only things that are beautiful or useful. Take a good look at things in your room, from that almost over Diptyque candle vessel to the ceramic pot which never got any plant to hold. If the thing does not falls into any of those two labels, then you rather not have it. It is a painful process being a hoarder to let go, but then you got to do it.
Pic courtesy: Charity cloth donation
Coming to your wardrobe, you have to check again if that shirt was not worn by you in last one year time chances are it won’t be worn later as well. Let it go! I must confess I did go through my wardrobe too, before I went on putting up this blog and I must tell you what happened was quite embarrassing indeed. Try donating some, there are many NGO’s that would come and pick them up from you.
Pic courtesy: Pinterest
Believe it or not our bathrooms are another place where things are kept for eternity. Like the amazing toiletries you picked up from that hotel on your last vacation, but you just never used any. Or the medicines you keep as if you are the designated chemist for all the servants and neighbours around. It’ll be worth the time to just take out everything from that closet and go through the expiry dates. Trust me almost half of my first aid box got empty doing this activity.
Pic courtesy: Pinterest
Now just in case you think you do not need any dialogue with your inner hoarder, cause there isn’t one. Well think again. It’s possible that you got a lot of it on your gadgets. A centre table full of magazines from last year is very much similar to a desktop full of documents and photographs on your computer. Since we spend alot of our time being alienated from the other human kinds on our machines, we do tend to hoard alot on our computers too. Time to tidy it up by putting it in particular folders and keeping it clean. Otherwise you always have a 1TB hard drive to just dump it all in anyway, right. You still think you are not a hoarder?
A tidy environment around will also help you create a positive energy that would help you spring clean your relationships too. So stop procrastinating and start changing your house one room at a time. For more tips, follow us on our Insta page or on Facebook.